I enjoyed this project a lot because it was the most personal for me and because I was a bit more comfortable with Illustrator then the previous assignments. I used a photo I took last week of a favorite place. I played around with it in Photoshop but ultimately took off any filter and just faded to 60%. I tried drawing the wave freehand but had no luck. So I used the trace tool to trace an image that I scanned in from my own drawing (which was actually traced offline from another image). I wanted to use a pattern and in the end simply flipped the wave image horizontally and placed it directly in front of the first. I colored it the same, but at a different opaqueness. I used played around with text from Adobe Typekit and ultimately used one I'd had called Blown Deadline. The color I took from the pattern. I actually am having a smaller-size poster printed (3 separate, just as I did here) for my husband while he is staying in a different part of the state for employment this school year. I think it turned out well...maybe not professional, but I really like it and was happy to be able to create something after this relatively short amount of training.